

Japanese: KILL – Is it too scary!? The words with “kill” in daily life

The usage of "kill" is quite common in Japanese language. We often see this scary word in daily life in Japan. Let's explore together!

Japanese: What does MOTTAINAI (もったいない) mean?

MOTTAINAI (もったいない) is commonly used in Japanese language. Do you know what MOTTAINAI means and where it comes from?

Japanese: Three primary colors and Four primary colors in Japan!?

Each language has basic color terms, and you will find the expressions in Japanese are quite unique. Let's take a look at the differences and origins! - 日本語と中国語の基本的な色の表現の違い 三原色と四原色!?【英語版】

Japanese: Why are there Hiragana and Katakana? Is it discrimination or culture? Who was the first femboy in Japan?

In Japanese language, we can see not only Kanji (Chinese characters), but also Hiragana and Katakana. How come it happened? Do you know the origin and purposes of Hiragana and Katakana? Who was the first femboy in Japan? Let us take a look at the history together! (ひらがなとカタカナの由来と使い方・日本最古のネカマの原型!?を中国語で解説)

Japanese: What does “Yabai” (やばい) mean? Is the word popular among young generation?

Have you heard やばい(ヤバイ) [yabai] in Japanese? What does Japanese "Yabai" (やばい) mean? Is the word popular among young generation? - 日本語の「やばい(ヤバイ)」の意味と由来を英語で解説

Japanese: Super polyphonic Kanji – What is it? How many readings?

All the Japanese people know what the most polyphonic Kanji (Chinese character) is. However, nobody knows the exact number of readings. In Japanese, the most of Kanjis are polyphonic. Let us explore the mysterious Kanji world! (日本語でいちばん読み方の多い漢字は「生」)

Japanese: What is the most useful greeting?

What is the most useful greeting in Japanese? “Thank you” is also commonly used. What is the word for it? What is the meaning of "すみません" [sumimasen]? Let us check it out! -「ありがとう」「すみません」「すいません」を英語で説明

Japanese: Frequently seen figurations related to cats

Learn Japanese - Because cats are closely related to Japanese life, there are the numbers of Japanese figurations (idioms) related to cats. It is so much fun! Let's take a look at some common figurations related to cats! (猫に関する日本語の比喩・言い回しを英語で解説)